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Packaging Optimization

Effective Materials, Unwasted Space


Air is costing you money. Incredible amounts of money. Even a small unused space in a single packaging solution can quickly multiply over time. It also spills into excess costs in materials, manpower, warehousing and logistics.

Nature seeks out innovative designs to optimize space and function. When we apply the same objectives to squeeze every inch out of wasted space, we provide several benefits:

  • More parts per pack

  • Decreased damage

  • Less environmental waste

  • Lighter, most cost-effective materials

  • Less overall packaging

  • Reduced material costs

  • Transportation savings


Cost-optimized solutions, in and out of the box

Scratch beneath the surface of a packaging request and we uncover questions that help us engineer maximum protection at the lowest possible cost:


1. Onsite Evaluation

What will our analysis reveal about your needs and challenges? 


2. Supply Chain Review

What is the cradle-to-cradle life cycle of your product? 


3. Packaging Design

How can designs be more cost-effective? Pre-sized or custom? Expendable or returnable?


4. Testing

How can we use prototype testing to avoid costly mistakes?


5. Manufacturing

Where can we optimize cost while maintaining quality?


6. Inventory Management

How can we free up space, money and labor through warehousing, kitting and JIT delivery?


Supply Chain Optimization

Savings At Every Step

Thorough consideration of the effects of proper design and manufacturing, we can provide cost savings throughout your supply chain:


Lower Material Costs


Reduced Labor Costs


Lower Energy Costs


Reduced Storage Costs


Fewer Trucks Less Fuel


Smaller Carbon Footprint

Total Packaging Consulting

The hawks of packaging optimization



Total Packaging Consulting

The Hawks of Packaging Optimization

They’re lurking in every business. Hidden savings we can uncover by examining your current packaging, and exploring smarter designs, purchasing and inventory solutions through new packaging. At Total Packaging Solutions (TPS), we root out every possible source of savings for all our clients. Through Total Packaging Consulting, we can offer it as a standalone service. 

Total Packaging Consulting lives under the umbrella of TPS, but is solely focused on cost optimization and supply chain savings, regardless of whether you hire TPS to handle your packaging needs.


No-risk, No-Cost Analysis

Our consulting process begins by performing a no-fee site analysis of your current packaging and warehousing. If we see opportunities to save, we’ll do a business case analysis to project the entire supply chain cost implications —reductions in packaging costs, labor, storage, etc. — as well as savings from how you purchase your packaging. 

There’s no risk — if we can’t find savings, there is no charge.
And no obligation — you don’t have to use any of our resources. 

The consultation can end there, and we’ll bill you for a small percentage of the savings we uncover. Or we can work with your current suppliers to set up smarter pricing agreements and packaging options. We can also recommend partners we’ve vetted, both in the U.S. and Mexico. For larger projects, we can make packaging engineers available to your facility to implement the recommended changes.


A Widespread Search for Savings

Throughout our process, we explore important questions: 

  • How can we get more parts per pack?
  • If we rotate the product or house two per cell, how much can we save?
  • Can packaging materials be lighter, tougher, more affordable?
  • Would larger or smaller totes maximize cubing?
  • Will standardizing packaging offer greater savings?
  • How can we reduce product damage expenses?
  • Can we lower inbound packaging costs?
  • Can managing oversight prevent costly errors?
  • Can we reduce a double wall to a single wall without sacrificing protection?
  • How much could you save moving from expendable to returnable?
  • What kind of savings can we negotiate by consolidating your suppliers?
  • Can we save you money by kitting, fulfilling and JIT warehousing for you?
  • What are the supply chain savings of all these considerations?
We just hate to see you pay more for packaging than you have to.
And we’ll work like a hawk to make sure you don’t.




Engineering Services




Packaging Engineering Services

Through Total Packaging Consulting, we can also contract out our packaging engineers whether you’re understaffed or need help with a specific issue. Our services include: 

  • Packaging development
  • Exploring packaging issue solutions
  • Cost optimization
  • Project execution 
  • Streamlining and standardizing packaging options 

We work across teams and suppliers to realize greater cost savings throughout your packaging needs. We’re open to whatever arrangement work best for your business —an hourly fee, project rate or contract basis. Leading businesses choose us as their packaging engineering consultants because we combine deep expertise with a customer-centric focus.








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